Thursday, January 17, 2013

What shoe and shirt color to match dark brown velvet coat?

Q. What shoe and shirt color should I match with a dark brown velvet sport coat? I'll be wearing jeans (it's casual). I have heard that the coat and the shoes must match, but the only brown shoes I have are a lighter color than the coat. I have black shoes as well.

Regarding the shirt, there's a brown shirt I like but I don't know if it's acceptable to use it with a brown coat (they are both dark). Maybe it is better to use a lighter shirt?


A. I think your brown shoes are decent. I wouldn't wear brown with black ever.

As for your shirt, I'd avoid the brown shirt because a brown jacket with a brown shirt and brown shoes is lacking in... variety.

I don't know if you're a boy or girl... if you're a girl you can go with something lighter and softer like a light pink shirt.

Boys and girls can wear a dark green olive shirt or a red (any shade) shirt.

If you don't like or don't have colorful clothes you can just stick with a basic white shirt.

good luck!

What is the best idea to organize the Boys room?
Q. I have two boys, one will turn 4 years old in August; the other is only 3 months old. Just curious to know how & the best way to keep a room looking presentable & managable as they grow up. It's a small room. I like Bunk beds but it fear it would take up a lot of room, so I want to avoid big objects!

A. Wouldn't bunk beds take up less room than two beds? Also, they have bunk beds that have drawers built into them. That would save a little room as well. If the room has a closet, build shelves on each side of the closet. One side could be for one boy, the other side for your other boy...and shelves along like the back wall of the closet (the wall that you see when you open the closet door) could be where the boys keep their coats or whatever. Make sure that instead of trying to avoid messy stuff...make room for it. Make sure your son has a place to put his balls and muddy shoes! That way, you're not asking for the impossible, and you'll only have to clean one exact spot. It would probably be a good idea to put shelves on the wall for now, and then maybe a book case as they get older. You can put their favorite Disney characters up, and as they get older you can let them put whatever they want on the bookshelf. Also, for now, my two toddlers use this kind of rack thing that holds 10 bins. It helps keep blocks separated from the cars. lol. I bought that at Target about 1 year ago, and it didn't cost alot. Good Luck!

What is the country music song about a girl leaving home and leaving a boy behind?
Q. I know a few parts of it: They are sitting on a roof or something and he puts his coat around her. And it talks about how he works for his dad and will stay behind in the small town. I have been racking my brain and google but can't come up with the song. I think its about her leaving and they only have a small amount of time left.

A. Based on the information given I would say every other Taylor Swift song.

What do I do if I find out my 9-year-old girl is willingly engaging in sexual acts with a boy of the same age?
Q. Now add these things to the situation: 1. Neither my daughter nor the boy were given "The Talk" before this occurred. 2. They had never heard about sex from their peers, either, so they must have discovered genital pleasure on their own. 3. She appears to enjoy it. 4. This is all purely hypothetical, in case you're speechless at this point.

A. Ha! that's actually perfectly normal. I would approach it a little at a time, letting her know that boys are not always fun to mess around with because they like to make fun of you sometimes and might like to tell their friends. So, she should be willing to be made fun of.
Also, when you "find out" from her, DO NOT act shocked. If YOU can't handle it with calm confidence, why would she trust you and follow your example?

Calmly let her know that vaginal penetration is the way we make babies, and even though her body likes what she's doing now, her parts aren't big enough for babies yet so it would be sad because she might have to get surgery to get the baby out, and that isn't fun. And BE VERY SERIOUS HERE: "How would it feel if we had to make the baby die that way? So, don't let him go inside your vagina.That's not a thing you even want to THINK about!".

Add to that that, not only do we get babies like that, but sometimes we get sick that way too, and get yukky stuff coming out of your part. And say to her casually, "I would think about that if I were you.Itchy, natsy smelly burning coming out of your pee pee isn't fun.".

I know this sounds like alot of mean ways to deal with it, but is it meaner to let her believe a lie and learn the hard way, or is better to give her the responsibility that comes with having sex? Be honest and use language she can relate to. Don't sugar coat it, either.

And above all, be patient. Make SURE she knows her vagina is off limits to his penis.

Some might say that's not cool. but I tell you- when your kid is hell bent on discovering herself, it's NO USE to deny it to yourself. So be prepared at LEAST to teach her how to play while being responsible. It's actually more realistic and do-able for her than to go the opposite route, which is to say she must NEVER do that again, which will likely just compell her to do it again, but with deeper shame attached. In other words, ~~~save the tough love for when it gets TOUGH!~~~~.

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